Wednesday, June 22, 2011

1 Pigtail 1 Braid

To give a little history of this hair style you must understand that I would have never created a style that is one braid one pigtail.  This style is all designed by the 4 year old who has wore this style for about 2 weeks straight.  I finally decided I had better share this with everyone.  Some of you moms out there might just understand what its like to have a spunky daughter like mine.

I first made a small center poof.  I used the bobbie pin that you can see below to give her thin hair an actual poof look.  Then we split the poof hair and made 2 pigtails.
She always picked which side was the braid and which one was the ponytail.   
I finished off the ponytail by putting ringlets. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Easter Hair

Katherine took this picture of her daughters Easter outfit and put it in a photo contest on Parent Magazine's website. Everyone Please go vote for her?

Katherine sent this cute Easter hairstyle into me and I wanted to share it with everyone.  She tried to make a cross. She used the technique she learned from me where you make the ponytail gathered into another ponytail. She made one small ponytail at the top of her head, then split it to two other ponytails. She made a diagram to show how she did it. The diagram is below.

She then wrapped each line with ribbon. She wrote "But as you can see in the picture, it's hard to make out a cross. So I just put pink and blue clips at the corners and it came out alright. I think next time I try this, I'd put the ponytails farther from each other."

I think she did an amazing job and I can see the cross.  I will have to try this on my daughter too!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Sides Up into Outie Braid

On this style you are going to make an outie braid rather than a flat braid. 
I wanted the braid to pop out. 
In order to get an out braid rather than a flat braid you cross the hair under instead of over.
I started the braid on her left side and braided her bangs back and continued to frenchbraid until all her sides were pulled into the braid.  Finish braiding the hair to the ends.

The right side is much easier I only frenchbraided it for about 3 crossovers then continue the braid all the way to meet the other braid.  Secure in the middle of her head with an elastic.
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