I have not done too many toddler styles lately because well let me just be honest my toddler has a mind of her own and hates getting her hair done. I used to think that kids with a sensitive head was because the parents never did their hair. Wow was I wrong, my toddler has such a sensitive head that it hurts just to pull her sides up. With that said I did manage to get pictures of this fun simple style.
First I took a small amount of the front of her hair and pulled it to the side and secured it with an elastic.
Then I pulled both the sides back into a single ponytail securing it with an elastic.
A short explanation on the hair accessory. In our schools the new fad for girls is to take embroidery floss and mixing 2 colors together, and putting it together on a bobbie pin. I will post a link to instructions on how to make your own hair accessories.
If this fad hasn't hit your daughters school then you can be the first.